Just my opinion, but there are a lot of folks running around the GB with no direction. "everyone else go do (insert random direction here)" does not really work. Especially when that direction is given, followed, and then folks are told they are to low level to do it. "Go attack the Ward tower". but 2 mins later, "Dont attack the ward tower unless you are lvl 55". "Go slow down (insert high level player here)" It is confusing.
Additionally, folks are caught outnumbered, by themselves, or completely outmatched. This does not help us.
In the USMC we never complain without a solution. My solution:
We first need to develop some teams. 4 players that stick together and are well rounded. I understand those players will not always be on, but for the most part the same folks show up. If we have to swap a couple out each time, it shouldn't take longer than the time we have at the guild tree. If players are running together, then they can develop their team strategies. (i.e. you heal, I damage) It should NOT be the top 4 players then the next 4 and so on. That leaves very weak teams at the bottom.
Second, Teams should be assigned to gaurd a specific tower. Other teams should be assigned to stand NEAR that tower to provide protection for those gaurding. "Team A gaurd Tower X, Team B and C provide support to tower X". At 50 total participants that should provide for 3 teams per tower. That leaves two left over. I recommend those be our top two players who can then provide support as needed. Again, these two should stick together.
Finally, ONE person should provide direction. Folks can chat and ask for help, but only one should give "orders". Orders should be specific. "Garhard's team do the X tower."
I would certainly like to hear what others think.